Welcome to BTW Technology Pte Ltd
``Bridging The World...``

“An organization’s ability to learn, and translate that learning into action rapidly, is the ultimate competitive advantage.”

(Jack Welch, ex-CEO, General Electric)  

Not every technology in the past has been able to create the change they are expected to. The introduction of technologies like smartphones, internet, iPad, Android systems has changed the lifestyle. With billions of devices to be interconnected with one another and humongous amount of data and information to be shared, we all can be ready to be surprised with the results.

Our Services

In today’s dynamic and connected business world, any lapses in data connectivity would mean loss of opportunities and productivity.  BTW Technology positions itself to partner with Enterprises providing solutions to address the ‘digital gaps’ in their businesses.  

Our Supporting Partners

We are in the business of providing telecommunications / IT solutions to customers. With a comprehensive range of product and services, our customers will be able to choose the most suitable package for their needs.

Our Clients

We have worked with range of business customers across different sectors from Public Sector, Education Sector, Embassies, Events and Service Industries.